15200-Manufacture of footwear

Title Company Company Number Date filed Status Publication number
Sensing device Gates (UK) Ltd. SC001771 1987-11-05 Ceased GB2199437
Electrical connections for distortion-sensitive body Gates (UK) Ltd. SC001771 1988-09-14 Ceased GB2224400
A method of manufacturing a sensing element Gates (UK) Ltd. SC001771 1988-09-14 Ceased GB2222883
Power transmission system and pulley therefor Gates (UK) Ltd. SC001771 1989-05-26 Ceased GB2232222
Carpet underlay and backing therefor Gates (UK) Ltd. SC001771 1995-07-05 Terminated GB2299781
Carpet underlay and backing therefor Gates (UK) Ltd. SC001771 1995-03-29 Terminated GB2299293

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