61300-Satellite telecommunications activities

Date Title Reference Subject
2019-06-17 Mr M Cohen v Satixfy UK Ltd [2019] UKET 3314183/2019 Unlawful Deduction from Wages
2019-05-08 Mr J Lynes v Advantech Wireless Technologies (EMEA) Ltd [2019] UKET 3312424/2019 Breach of Contract
2018-08-08 Mr J Brennan v Compass Asset Protection Ltd [2018] UKET 2403185/2018 Breach of Contract
2017-06-13 Mr C D'Cruze v Com Dev Europe Ltd and others [2017] UKET 3324536/2017 Public Interest Disclosure : Race Discrimination : Unfair Dismissal
2015-01-16 Excelerate Technology Ltd v Cumberbatch & Ors (Rev 1) [2015] EWHC 204 (QB)
2015-01-16 Excelerate Technology Ltd v Cumberbatch & Anor [2015] EWHC B1 (Mercantile)
2011-10-11 ICO Satellite Ltd, R (on the application of) v Office of Communications [2011] EWCA Civ 1121
2011-02-24 Tedcom Finance Ltd & Anor v Vetabet Holdings Ltd & Ors [2011] EWCA Civ 191
2007-02-26 7E Communications Ltd. v Vertex Antennentechnik GmbH Rev 1 [2007] EWCA Civ 140
2004-07-15 Law v Pace Micro Technology Plc [2004] EWCA Civ 923
2003-07-29 Law v Pace Micro Technology Plc [2003] UKEAT 1020_02_2907
1998-10-01 Abdallah v Pace Microtechnology Plc [1998] UKEAT 742_98_0110

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