26309-Manufacture of communication equipment other than telegraph, and telephone apparatus and equipment

Date Title Reference Subject
2019-04-11 Mr J Hawke v Leonardo MW Ltd [2019] UKET 1405097/2018 Breach of Contract
2018-02-08 Mr K Shahid v Biosite Systems Ltd [2018] UKET 2207098/2017 Breach of Contract
2017-07-21 A v Optical Networking Ltd & Anor v Optron Holding Ltd [2017] EWHC 1813 (TCC)
1996-05-14 Ganeshmoorthy v H R Smith (Technical Developments) Ltd [1996] UKEAT 510_94_1405
1995-02-07 Ganeshmoorthy v H R Smith (Technical Developments) Ltd [1995] UKEAT 510_94_0702

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