25300-Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers

Company Registered Address Company Number YE Date Revenue GBP Net Profit GBP Other SIC codes
ROLLS-ROYCE SUBMARINES LIMITED ATLANTIC HOUSE, RAYNESWAY, DERBY, DERBYSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM, DE21 7BE 00620485 2017-12-31 102,580,000 2,131,000 72190-Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
ROLLS-ROYCE PLC KINGS PLACE, 90 YORK WAY, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, N1 9FX 01003142 2017-12-31 3,075,000,000 3,556,000,000 25620-Machining
28110-Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines

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