10612-Manufacture of breakfast cereals and cereals-based food

Company Registered Address Company Number YE Date Revenue GBP Net Profit GBP Other SIC codes
ABF GRAIN PRODUCTS LIMITED WESTON CENTRE, 10 GROSVENOR STREET, LONDON, W1K 4QY 00079590 2017-09-16 981,072,000 -636,000 10710-Manufacture of bread; manufacture of fresh pastry goods and cakes
MORNING FOODS,LIMITED NORTH WESTERN MILLS, GRESTY ROAD, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW2 6HP 00375854 2017-07-31 140,114,976 3,075,042 10611-Grain milling
REAL GOOD FOOD PLC C/O INTERPATH LTD, 10TH FLOOR, ONE MARSDEN STREET, MANCHESTER, M2 1HW 04666282 2018-03-31 129,842,000 -27,003,000 10890-Manufacture of other food products not elsewhere classified

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