UK PLCs active in telecommunications-service-providers

Aggregate Market Capitalisation of UK sector over time

Listed Companies and Valuation ratios
as at 2025-01-31

Rank Company Company Number Sector Market Cap GBP Enterprise Value GBP PE EV/Revenue EV/EBITDA
1 VODAFONE GROUP PLC 01833679 Telecommunications Service Providers 17,439,200,000 83,705,000,000 15.3 2.3 4.6
2 BT GROUP PLC 04190816 Telecommunications Service Providers 14,128,800,000 14,128,800,000
3 AIRTEL AFRICA PLC 11462215 Telecommunications Service Providers 5,306,690,000 8,648,990,000 -32.2 1.7 7.9
4 ZEGONA COMMUNICATIONS PLC 09395163 Telecommunications Service Providers 3,568,290,000 3,541,025,300 -229.5 -495.8
5 TELECOM PLUS PLC 03263464 Telecommunications Service Providers 1,329,200,000 1,415,623,000 18.7 0.7 11.8
6 GAMMA COMMUNICATIONS PLC 08943488 Telecommunications Service Providers 1,281,490,000 1,080,961,000 23.9 2.1 13.0
7 HELIOS TOWERS PLC 12134855 Telecommunications Service Providers 1,000,070,000 1,667,398,000 -10.0 2.3 11.4
8 MOBILE STREAMS PLC 03696108 Telecommunications Service Providers 40,130,000 36,457,150 -14.1 39.5 -1.7
9 MAINTEL HOLDINGS PLC 03181729 Telecommunications Service Providers 34,470,000 58,698,400 -6.4 0.6 29.7
10 BIGBLU BROADBAND PLC 09223439 Telecommunications Service Providers 18,540,000 26,778,630 -3.9 1.0 22.7
11 CATALYST MEDIA GROUP PLC 03955206 Telecommunications Service Providers 15,770,000 15,615,151 5.1 624.6 6.9
12 MOBILE TORNADO GROUP PLC 05136300 Telecommunications Service Providers 7,240,000 20,133,400 -7.3 8.9 -17.4

Measure Number of companies Sector Market Cap GBP Enterprise Value GBP PE EV/Revenue EV/EBITDA
TOTAL SECTOR 12 Telecommunications Service Providers 44,169,890,000 114,345,480,031
Straight Average (ignoring negatives) Telecommunications Service Providers 15.8 68.4 13.5
Average excluding max and min outliers (ignoring negatives) Telecommunications Service Providers 17.0 7.3 12.3
Median (ignoring negatives) Telecommunications Service Providers 17.0 2.2 11.6
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