UK PLCs active in open-end-and-miscellaneous-investment-vehicles

Aggregate Market Capitalisation of UK sector over time

Listed Companies and Valuation ratios
as at 2025-01-31

Rank Company Company Number Sector Market Cap GBP Enterprise Value GBP PE EV/Revenue EV/EBITDA
1 DAR GLOBAL PLC Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 872,910,000 872,910,000
2 INTUITIVE INVESTMENTS GROUP PLC 12664320 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 254,510,000 246,017,220 -78.6 -97.6 -6.0
3 RIGHTS & ISSUES INVESTMENT TRUST PLC #VALUE! Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 103,430,000 103,430,000 28.8 24.5 8.1
4 CONTANGO HOLDINGS PLC 10186111 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 12,050,000 -2,810,400 -1.9 -4.7
5 BLENCOWE RESOURCES PLC 10966847 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 11,810,000 12,280,045 -8.4 -6.9
6 ROQUEFORT THERAPEUTICS PLC 12819145 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 5,160,000 2,730,000 -3.0 13.7 15.0
7 EAST STAR RESOURCES PLC Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 5,070,000 5,070,000
8 WILDCAT PETROLEUM PLC 12392909 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 3,810,000 16,410,000 253.9 280.5
9 BSF ENTERPRISE PLC 11554014 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 3,700,000 3,413,247 -2.5 263.7 -13.1
10 BOSTON INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS PLC 09876705 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 1,670,000 1,725,047 -4.1 -1.2
11 MILA RESOURCES PLC 09620350 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 1,440,000 1,248,052 -2.2 -2.6
12 CRITICAL METALS PLC 11388575 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 740,000 -1,047,570 -0.3 -29.3
13 ROCKPOOL ACQUISITIONS PLC NI644683 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 360,000 360,000 -0.7 -0.5

Measure Number of companies Sector Market Cap GBP Enterprise Value GBP PE EV/Revenue EV/EBITDA
TOTAL SECTOR 13 Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 1,276,660,000 1,261,735,641
Straight Average (ignoring negatives) Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 141.4 100.6 101.2
Average excluding max and min outliers (ignoring negatives) Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles N/A 24.5 15.0
Median (ignoring negatives) Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles 141.4 24.5 15.0
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