Search Results for VSK:

Offshore Leaks: 20 entities found..
UK Disqualified directors: 3 entities found..
UK Sanctions: 1 entities found..
US Sanctions: entities found..
EU Sanctions: 1 entities found..

Offshore Leaks:

20 results.
(results limited to first 20 found - try narrowing your search) Source: International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
Disclaimer: There are legitimate uses for offshore companies and trusts. The inclusion of a person or entity in the ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database is not intended to suggest or imply that they have engaged in illegal or improper conduct.

Name Country Link Entity name Jurisdiction Start date -> End date Status Service Provider/Source
ALEXANDER GELBUTOVSKIY shareholder of HARLEY BROTHERS INC. British Virgin Islands 20-NOV-2006-> Relocated in new jurisdiction Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
'''' shareholder of HARLEY BROTHERS INC. Samoa 20-NOV-2006-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
Buyanovskiy Eduard Konstantinovich Russia shareholder of STEVENS VENTURES INC. British Virgin Islands 31-MAR-2009-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
KAREVSKI VITALI shareholder of LIONZEST LIMITED Bahamas 10-APR-2001-> Active Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
Stanislav Vladimirovich Kurtsenovskiy Russia shareholder of BRISTALIA LIMITED Seychelles 21-JUN-2006-> Active Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
Mrs. Elena PASHKOVSKAYA Russia shareholder of MERKTRANS PEREVOZCHIK LTD. British Virgin Islands 22-APR-2009-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
VIKTOR YUSHKOVSKYY shareholder of GARANT TRADING INC. Panama 07-SEP-2015-> Active Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
ALEXANDER GELBUTOVSKY shareholder of HARLEY BROTHERS INC. Samoa 20-NOV-2006-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
'''' shareholder of GEFEST INVESTMENT LTD. Samoa 20-NOV-2006-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
Kinevsky Leonid shareholder of ELMEX HOLDINGS S.A. Bahamas 10-JUN-1994->15-OCT-1996 Active Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
ALEXANDER GRIBOVSKY shareholder of ACCESS Marketing Services Limited British Virgin Islands 25-OCT-2005-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
Lidiya Karchevska Russia shareholder of VKV Holdings Ltd. Seychelles 03-APR-2009-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
ALEXANDER GELBUTOVSKYI shareholder of GEFEST INVESTMENTS LTD. British Virgin Islands 20-NOV-2006-> Relocated in new jurisdiction Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
LUDMILA GELBUTOVSKAIA shareholder of GEFEST INVESTMENTS LTD. British Virgin Islands 20-NOV-2006-> Relocated in new jurisdiction Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
'''' shareholder of GEFEST INVESTMENT LTD. Samoa 20-NOV-2006-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
ARNOLDO STAVISLAVSKY shareholder of GALDEX INVESTMENT CORP. British Virgin Islands -> Dissolved Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
'''' shareholder of GALDEX INVESTMENT CORP. British Virgin Islands 19-MAY-2000->26-MAY-2000 Dissolved Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
'''' shareholder of GALDEX INVESTMENT CORP. British Virgin Islands 31-MAY-2000-> Dissolved Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
'''' shareholder of GALDEX INVESTMENT CORP. British Virgin Islands 26-MAY-2000-> Dissolved Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
RAQUEL STAVISLAVSKY shareholder of GALDEX INVESTMENT CORP. British Virgin Islands -> Dissolved Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
'''' shareholder of GALDEX INVESTMENT CORP. British Virgin Islands 31-MAY-2000-> Dissolved Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
'''' shareholder of GALDEX INVESTMENT CORP. British Virgin Islands 19-MAY-2000->26-MAY-2000 Dissolved Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
'''' shareholder of GALDEX INVESTMENT CORP. British Virgin Islands 26-MAY-2000-> Dissolved Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
HAIM GOROKHOVSKY shareholder of ATLANT CORP. British Virgin Islands 19-APR-2004-> Changed agent Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
Mirchevskiy Yuri Andreevich Russia shareholder of MPS ENTERPRISES LIMITED Seychelles 07-MAR-2006-> In transition Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
Mr. Timofey KLINOVSKIY shareholder of ALHALMA FINANCE INC. British Virgin Islands 30-MAR-2007-> Inactivated Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
KIRILL YAROSLAVSKIY shareholder of AVIRA INVEST LTD. British Virgin Islands 29-OCT-2007-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
ALEXANDER BELOTSERKOVSKIY or LUIS ENRIQUE GUERRERO ARIAS shareholder of ZOE DEVELOPMENT CORP. British Virgin Islands 27-MAR-2008-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers
ALEXANDER BELOTSERKOVSKIY shareholder of ZOE DEVELOPMENT CORP. British Virgin Islands 27-MAR-2008-> Defaulted Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers

UK Disqualified Directors:

3 results.
Name D.O.B. Nationaility Start Date End Date Case details Companies
Igor STANOEVSKI 1981-06-18 Bulgarian 2023-02-16 2034-02-15 Case ref: INV6623439
Court: unknown
Reason: Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (Section 7): Disqualification order or undertaking; and reporting provisions
Marin Nikolaev TSVETKOVSKI 1987-07-20 Bulgarian 2023-07-26 2030-07-25 Case ref: INV6731429
Court: unknown
Reason: Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (Section 7): Disqualification order or undertaking; and reporting provisions
Blagovest GRAHOVSKI 1996-10-15 Bulgarian 2024-04-25 2033-04-24 Case ref: INV6946139
Court: unknown
Reason: Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (Section 7): Disqualification order or undertaking; and reporting provisions

UK Sanctions:

1 results

Last Updated: 25/11/2024
Date Designated: 25/11/2024
Unique ID: RUS2340
OFSI Group ID: 16703

Name: VSK (Primary Name)
Non Latin Name:
Name Non Latin Script: ВСК
NonLatinScriptType: Cyrillic
NonLatinScriptLanguage: Russian

Regime Name: The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
Individual/Entity/Ship: Entity
Designation Source: UK
Sanctions Imposed: Asset freeze|Trust Services Sanctions

UK Statement of Reasons: VSK is an involved person under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 based on the following ground: VSK is or has been involved in obtaining a benefit from or supporting the Government of Russia by carrying on business in a sector of strategic significance to the Government of Russia, namely the Russian financial services sector.
AddressLine1: UL. OSTROVNAYA D.4
AddressLine6: MOSCOW
AddressPostalCode: 121552
AddressCountry: Russia
PhoneNumber: +7 495 7847700

US Sanctions:


EU Sanctions:

1 results

Names and aliases:
Vostochnaya Árurakodó Vállalat Kft.
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью “восточная стивидорная компания”
LLC Vostochnaya Stevedoring Company

Function(s): Operates the shipment of containers in Vostochny port in the Primorsky region of Russia.

Designation Date: 2024-06-24
Designation Details:
United Nations id:
EU Reference Number: EU.11748.50
Logical id: 166665

Regulation Type: amendment
Organisation Type: council
Publication Date: 2024-06-24
Entry Into Force Date: 2024-06-24
Number Title: 2024/1746 (OJ L24062024)
Programme: UKR
Logical id: 195840
Publication URL:
Entity type: enterprise

Birthdate: (circa: )

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