HARRIS patents filed

Company number: SC126603

Title Date Filed Status Publication number
Retaining scaffolding boards 1998-03-24 Ceased GB2321491
A windpost,a windpost assembly and a method of tying two spaced members therewith 1992-03-13 Ceased GB2265164
A tie plate and its assembly with a windpost 1992-02-21 Terminated GB2264515
Tool and remedial wall tie for us therewith 1988-01-22 Ceased GB2200065
A channel and wall tie 1986-08-05 Terminated GB2193513
Wall tie and a method of repairing a wall therewith 1986-03-25 Ceased GB2188343
Wall tie 1985-03-11 Terminated GB2174122
Wall tie 1983-07-11 Ceased GB2143554
Wall tie 1983-02-16 Ceased GB2135356
A wall tie for supporting insulation in a cavity wall 1979-10-12 Terminated GB2033449
A Tower or Stack 1979-01-30 Terminated GB2012409

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