Company number: 03885544

Title Date Filed Status Publication number
Copy protection system for optical discs 2008-03-03 Terminated GB2457510
Copy protection system for optical discs 2008-02-14 Ceased GB2457482
Media content with embedded control data 2008-01-28 Terminated GB2456835
Optical Disc with laser writable label 2007-05-29 Granted GB2449647
An rfid tag comprising an array of resonators each comprising a conductive part including a weak section. 2006-12-22 Terminated GB2445171
Copy protection system for data carriers 2003-06-09 Ceased GB2402802
Copy protection system for data carriers 2003-06-09 Ceased GB2433157
Copy protection system 2002-03-08 Ceased GB2386245
Data protection system 2002-03-08 Ceased GB2415826

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