Company number: 03799367

Title Date Filed Status Publication number
Vibration and Noise Reducing Rotary Blade 2012-05-25 Terminated GB2502346
Core Extractor Assembly 2007-07-26 Terminated GB2451271
Core drills and cutting discs 2005-03-24 Terminated GB2423540
Diamond core drill 2005-02-24 Terminated GB2423539
Diamond core drill 2005-02-24 Terminated GB2423536
Core drills 2005-02-24 Terminated GB2423537
Core drilling segments with side protection 2005-02-24 Terminated GB2423538
Rotary cutting or grinding tool 2000-09-16 Terminated GB2366754
Angle grinder dust extractor hood 2000-01-14 Terminated GB2358152
Core cutting tool 1999-09-02 Terminated GB2353744
Rotary abrasive cutting disc 1999-08-05 Terminated GB2353045
Masonry core-cutting tool 1997-04-24 Ceased GB2324486

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