LAMBSON LIMITED patents filed

Company number: 02838052

Title Date Filed Status Publication number
Capsules 2016-05-10 Awaiting First Examination GB2542224
Photopolymerisation processes and novel compounds therefor 2013-07-17 Awaiting First Examination GB2508454
Method of forming a polymeric material on a substrate 2011-06-10 Awaiting First Examination GB2491643
Photoinitiator and method of manufacture 2008-11-07 Ceased GB2454579
Tertiary amine substituted polyoxyalkylenes 1997-06-23 Terminated GB2314330
Fertiliser composition 1995-07-25 Terminated GB2291641
Preparation of alkyl or substituted alkyl p-dimethylamino benzoates 1990-07-17 Ceased GB2233975

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