Company number: 02517698

Title Date Filed Status Publication number
An assembly for the controlled release of a compression load and a prop comprising the assembly 2017-08-07 Pending GB2554801
Clamp 2017-04-26 Pending GB2549402
Bracket 2016-09-20 Granted GB2543933
Climbing screen 2016-09-08 Pending GB2553560
Tool 2015-07-30 Granted GB2541178
Hoisting apparatus and system 2015-06-11 Granted GB2529747
Platform system 2015-05-07 Granted GB2533178
Fixing means 2015-02-19 Granted GB2535510
Hydraulic lifting arrangement 2014-12-11 Granted GB2533141
Hook arrangement 2014-12-11 Pending GB2533142
Climbing screen support 2014-08-22 Granted GB2529470
Bendable climbing screen and system 2014-08-21 Granted GB2528991
An assembly for the controlled release of a compression load 2014-06-02 Pending GB2526794
Climbing formwork system 2014-02-25 Granted GB2524472
Climbing screen system 2013-02-18 Granted GB2510879
Safety screen 2013-02-18 Granted GB2510881
Climbing screen 2013-02-18 Granted GB2510880
Safety screen 2013-02-18 Awaiting First Examination GB2525795

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