Company number: 02479072

Title Date Filed Status Publication number
Commissioning system for ventilation system 2013-02-28 Awaiting Re-examination GB2511333
Multiple speed fan 2012-11-30 Awaiting First Examination GB2508422
A fan installed in a building component 2012-11-30 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2508423
Drain arrangement for gas heat recovery unit 2012-11-30 Terminated GB2508424
Heat recovery ventilation unit 2012-11-30 Granted GB2508425
Fan mounting system 2012-01-10 Granted GB2498344
Equipment with removable power supply 2011-12-09 Granted GB2497357
Fan with multi-position grille 2011-12-09 Granted GB2497356
Ventilation system and it method of operation 2010-11-09 Granted GB2485354
Fan impeller 2010-10-20 Granted GB2484697
Fan cover locating mechanism 2010-10-20 Granted GB2484698
Filter holder 2009-12-22 Granted GB2478515
Mechanical extract ventilation unit 2009-06-29 Granted GB2471649
An impeller / fan having radially extending blades and axially extending blades 2007-05-31 Terminated GB2449688
Seal for electrical terminal block 2006-06-16 Terminated GB2439113
Adjustable grill for a fan 2006-04-03 Ceased GB2436865
Offset Fan Unit 2006-04-03 Terminated GB2436866
Combination extractor fan and light unit 2005-05-31 Terminated GB2426791
An extractor fan with configurable internal airflow pipes and plural air exhaust outlets 2004-08-16 Terminated GB2417316
Electric fans 2003-03-28 Ceased GB2385716
Switch device 2002-03-28 Ceased GB2387029
A vent 2001-04-27 Terminated GB2374920
A vent device 2001-03-14 Ceased GB2373323
Electric fan and electrical connector 1998-12-10 Ceased GB2344379

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