Company number: 02186136

Title Date Filed Status Publication number
Hydraulic circuit containing a filter with automatic back flushing 1996-05-10 Terminated GB2302041
A liner sleeve for a mineral cutter tooling system 1993-11-19 Ceased GB2273513
Mineral cutter tip and pick 1992-11-11 Terminated GB2261893
Mineral cutter pick and tip 1991-10-21 Ceased GB2249116
Carbide tip and pick 1991-10-01 Ceased GB2260149
Rotary cutting head 1991-08-02 Terminated GB2247035
Rotary mineral cutting head 1990-12-03 Terminated GB2239033
Spray jet nozzle 1985-08-14 Ceased GB2163369
Pick box 1981-02-18 Ceased GB2072241
Rotary cutting head 1980-09-12 Ceased GB2058175
Rotary mineral cutting apparatus 1980-03-11 Ceased GB2045837
Cutter Pick 1979-12-31 Ceased GB2041040

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