Company number: 01971965

Title Date Filed Status Publication number
Letter plate assembly 2016-12-08 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2558544
Mounting arrangement 2015-12-22 Awaiting First Examination GB2547410
Insulated window sill 2013-05-08 Terminated GB2503975
Access closure assembly suitable for access to a loft. 2011-05-25 Granted GB2491162
Loft door access assembly 2009-05-08 Granted GB2470058
A ridge cover assembly 2007-07-31 Granted GB2451458
Utility pipe draught proofing apparatus. 2007-03-09 Granted GB2447295
Mounting apparatus 2007-02-01 Granted GB2434811
Cover member 2006-11-23 Granted GB2444111
Sealing end of joist 2004-04-23 Granted GB2405881
Sealing apparatus for sealing between a joist and a wall 2004-04-23 Granted GB2440694
Spacer apparatus 2002-02-23 Granted GB2385613
Cavity tray 1998-12-24 Granted GB2334978
Ridge ventilation apparatus 1998-06-03 Granted GB2338001
Ventilators for tiled roofs 1997-02-07 Terminated GB2321960
Closure for cavity walls 1994-09-03 Ceased GB2292758
Roof ventilation 1983-09-30 Granted GB2135360

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