Company number: 01318148

Title Date Filed Status Publication number
Mounting assembly 2014-12-01 Awaiting First Examination GB2532941
Mounting device for plumbing or electrical equipment 2014-12-01 Awaiting First Examination GB2532943
Mounting device 2014-12-01 Awaiting First Examination GB2532945
A control system for a shower 2014-05-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2526113
Mixer tap 2014-03-15 Granted GB2524109
A Thermostatic Mixing Valve 2013-08-05 Awaiting First Examination GB2516897
A shower valve 2013-05-03 Awaiting First Examination GB2513647
Electric water heater 2009-08-19 Terminated GB2472809
A fitting assembly for a tap anda kit for fitting a tap 2009-05-29 Granted GB2470608
Mixing apparatus 2007-05-17 Granted GB2451800
Shower with back flow prevention 2006-01-07 Granted GB2433885
A mixer valve apparatus and a water delivery apparatus 2005-05-13 Granted GB2426564
A mixer valve apparatus and a water delivery apparatus 2005-05-13 Granted GB2463826
Bracket for a water outlet fitting such as a bar shower 2002-11-08 Granted GB2392471
Bar shower bracket 2002-11-08 Granted GB2396553
Pipework connection arrangement 2000-12-06 Granted GB2359120
Tubular heater 2000-09-06 Ceased GB2366710
Shower control valve assembly 2000-08-10 Granted GB2354305

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