Company number: 00908550

Title Date Filed Status Publication number
Snapshot recorder 1983-10-20 Terminated GB2129238
Isolator system for data loggers 1983-07-07 Terminated GB2130035
Cable television transmission 1983-06-29 Ceased GB2124728
Video processing system for bandwidth reduction 1982-01-18 Ceased GB2091970
Object recognition 1981-10-15 Granted GB2085629
Video image processing system 1981-10-15 Granted GB2086690
Drop-out compensation for digital data on video tape recorders 1981-10-07 Granted GB2085206
Data display system 1981-06-11 Ceased GB2083324
Digital frequency multiplier 1980-05-22 Granted GB2052815
Digital video processor 1980-03-04 Granted GB2046053
Movement detection 1979-09-11 Granted GB2031686

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