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UNITS 9 & 10 FOXCOTE AVENUE, PEASEDOWN ST. JOHN, BATH, BA2 8SFCompany Number: 04159633
Incorporation date: 14-Feb-2001
Status: Active
Entity type: Private Limited Company
SIC codes:
18202 Reproduction of video recording
59112 Video production activities
59120 Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities
74202 Other specialist photography
This company is 23.7 years old and is currently active. It is controlled by multiple entities. No P&L financials are available but there is Balance Sheet data. The company has positive equity (net assets) of GBP 2 million which has increased from GBP 1.7 million in the previous year. Although the P&L is not published, we can infer from the Balance Sheet that Net Profit (less dividends) was GBP 269.8 thousand in the last reported period. The company has 1 active officers (directors or partners) who are or were officers of 1 other company. The company has no public disputes filed on the Business Disputes Register. There are no court cases involving the company that we are aware of.FINANCIALS (BETA)
Next accounts due: 31-Mar-2025Accounts Filed: TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL (30-Jun-2023)
P&L Financials:
Year end | Currency | Revenue | Operating profit | Interest Received | Interest Paid | Tax | Net Profit GBP |
30-Jun-2019 | GBP | 570,879 | |||||
30-Jun-2018 | GBP | 507,399 | |||||
30-Jun-2017 | GBP | 315,675 |
Balance Sheet Financials:
Year end | Currency | Cash | Current Assets | Current Liabilities | Debt | Share Capital | Premium Reserve | Retained Earnings | Net Assets |
30-Jun-2023 | GBP | 856,648 | 1,316,802 | 352,968 | 100 | 1,944,039 | 1,967,990 | ||
30-Jun-2022 | GBP | 644,713 | 1,370,582 | 504,591 | 219,506 | 100 | 1,674,289 | 1,700,271 | |
30-Jun-2021 | GBP | 465,980 | 807,468 | 382,346 | 235,283 | 100 | 1,240,243 | 1,264,961 | |
30-Jun-2020 | GBP | 430,881 | 560,254 | 360,465 | 246,009 | 100 | 1,025,626 | 1,042,672 | |
30-Jun-2019 | GBP | 544,322 | 1,147,982 | 269,442 | 45,836 | 100 | 974,077 | 993,094 | |
30-Jun-2018 | GBP | 161,879 | 761,782 | 289,296 | 36,283 | 100 | 563,198 | 579,702 | |
30-Jun-2017 | GBP | 87,970 | 427,128 | 219,640 | 7,714 | 100 | 277,299 | 291,915 | |
30-Jun-2016 | GBP | 104,315 | 266,429 | 121,062 | 12,783 | 100 | 196,624 | 206,970 | |
30-Jun-2015 | GBP | 18,023 | 190,990 | 97,062 | 7,853 | 100 | 157,150 | 167,274 | |
30-Jun-2014 | GBP | 9,516 | 158,080 | 65,955 | 100 | 173,430 | 173,530 |
Year end | Currency | % Equity | Sum raised | Pre-Money Valuation* | Post-Money Valuation* | Enterprise Value** |
No disputes filed on www.disputesregister.orgCOMPANY SECRETARY
Status | Name | Appointed on | Resigned on | Occupation | Nationality | All apointments (active/resigned) |
Active | Amanda Jayne CANNING | 18 Jul 2005 | 04 Oct 2024 | Project Manager | British | 3 - 0 |
Resigned | Stuart FRASER | 21 Feb 2001 | 18 Jul 2005 | Accountant | British | 0 - 92 |
Status | Name | Appointed on | Resigned on | Occupation | Nationality | All appointments (active/resigned) |
Dissolved companies (rate) |
Active | Amanda Jayne CANNING | 18 Jul 2005 | Project Manager | British | 3 - 0 | 0 (0.0%) | |
Active | Peter David CANNING | 21 Feb 2001 | Commercial Photographer | British | 1 - 0 | 0 (0.0%) | |
Resigned | BRIGHTON SECRETARY LIMITED | 14 Feb 2001 | 20 Feb 2001 | 0 - 8323 | 3706 (44.5%) | ||
Resigned | BRIGHTON DIRECTOR LIMITED | 14 Feb 2001 | 20 Feb 2001 | 0 - 7132 | 3262 (45.7%) |
Average tenure of active directors: 21.4 years
Average tenure of resigned directors: 0.0 years
Average active director Dissolution Rate: 0.0%
No shareholder data available
no shareholding data
Controlling entities above
no controlled companies
This company has not filed any late payment reports possibly because it is not considered \'Large\'.
No Court Cases found
No Patents found
(Based on Sic code:
18202 Reproduction of video recording)
Company | Registered Address | Company Number | YE Date | Revenue GBP | Net Profit GBP | Other SIC codes |
This company is Active. Statistically, Active companies have a low probability of being liquidated within a year.
Here are our probability predictions:
Basis | Liquidation within 3 months | Liquidation within 6 months | Liquidation within 12 months | Prediction confidence |
VIEWPOINT PHOTOGRAPHY LIMITED | 0.7% | 4.3% | 7.5% | Medium |
Other companies Active in the same sector | Too few competitors | |||
Age | 0.3% | 1.3% | 2.4% | Medium |
Company Type | 0.7% | 3.7% | 7.4% | Medium |
Accounts category | 0.5% | 2.1% | 4.2% | Medium |
Accounting Month | 0.7% | 5.7% | 7.5% | Medium |
Sic code count | 1.0% | 5.6% | 10.9% | Medium |