Company Number: 01470151
Incorporation date: 31-Dec-1979
Status: Active
Entity type: Public Limited Company

SIC codes:
25400 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
29100 Manufacture of motor vehicles
30110 Building of ships and floating structures
30300 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery


This company is 44.3 years old and is currently active. There is no financial data because the company seems to be late in filing its accounts or has failed to file digital (iXBRL) accounts. The company has 13 active officers (directors or partners) who are or were officers of 29 other companies, 5 (17.2%) of which have since been dissolved or are proposed for strike off. The company has no public disputes filed on the Business Disputes Register. There are 9 court cases involving the company that we are aware of.


Next accounts due: 30-Jun-2024
Accounts Filed: GROUP (31-Dec-2022)

P&L Financials:
Year end Currency Revenue Operating profit Interest Received Interest Paid Tax Net Profit GBP
20-Feb-2019 GBP 16,821,000,000 1,605,000,000 228,000,000 609,000,000 1,033,000,000

Balance Sheet Financials:
Year end Currency Cash Current Assets Current Liabilities Debt Share Capital Premium Reserve Retained Earnings Net Assets
20-Feb-2019 GBP 3,232,000,000 9,576,000,000 9,307,000,000 87,000,000 1,249,000,000 5,618,000,000


No disputes filed on


Status Name Appointed on Resigned on Occupation Nationality All apointments
Active David Stanley PARKES 26 Feb 1999 16 Apr 2024 British 79 - 338
Resigned Stuart Paul CARROLL 13 Nov 1996 26 Feb 1999 0 - 96
Resigned Susan Doreen WINDRIDGE 13 Nov 1996 0 - 164


Status Name Appointed on Resigned on Occupation Nationality All appointments
Dissolved companies
Active Angus George COCKBURN 06 Nov 2023 Company Director British 1 - 00 (0.0%)
Active Cressida Mary HOGG 01 Nov 2022 Company Director British 1 - 00 (0.0%)
Active Crystal ASHBY 01 Sep 2021 Business Executive American 1 - 00 (0.0%)
Active Ewan Mckinnon, Dr KIRK 01 Jun 2021 Company Director British 4 - 01 (25.0%)
Resigned Carolyn Julie FAIRBAIRN 01 Mar 2021 05 May 2022 Company Director British 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Active Nicholas John ANDERSON 01 Nov 2020 Director British 1 - 10 (0.0%)
Active Thomas Arnold ARSENEAULT 01 Apr 2020 President & Ceo American 1 - 00 (0.0%)
Active Bradley Madsen GREVE 01 Apr 2020 Director American 1 - 00 (0.0%)
Active Jane Veronica GRIFFITHS 01 Apr 2020 Director British 1 - 00 (0.0%)
Active Bradley Madsen GREVE 01 Apr 2020 Director American 1 - 10 (0.0%)
Active Nicole Weyerhaeuser PIASECKI 01 Jun 2019 Director American 1 - 00 (0.0%)
Active Stephen Thomas PEARCE 01 Jun 2019 Finance Director Australian 1 - 71 (12.5%)
Resigned Revathi ADVAITHI 01 Jan 2018 25 Jun 2020 Director American 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Active Charles Nicholas WOODBURN 09 May 2016 Director British 2 - 93 (27.3%)
Active Elizabeth Pauline Lucy CORLEY 01 Feb 2016 Company Director British 1 - 71 (12.5%)
Resigned Gerard Joseph DEMURO 01 Feb 2014 31 Mar 2020 Company Director American 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Resigned Roger Martyn, Sir CARR 01 Oct 2013 04 May 2023 Company Director British 0 - 30 (0.0%)
Resigned Christopher Montague GRIGG 01 Jul 2013 31 Dec 2023 Company Director British 1 - 53 (50.0%)
Resigned Ian Paul TYLER 08 May 2013 05 May 2022 Company Director British 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Resigned Lee Alan MCINTIRE 01 Jun 2011 20 Aug 2013 Chief Executive Usa 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Resigned Paula Rosput REYNOLDS 01 Apr 2011 31 Dec 2020 Independent Business Advisor American 0 - 20 (0.0%)
Resigned Peter John, Mr. LYNAS 01 Apr 2011 31 Mar 2020 Financial Director British 1 - 5335 (64.8%)
Resigned Harriet GREEN 01 Nov 2010 07 Nov 2019 Chief Executive Officer British 0 - 20 (0.0%)
Resigned Nicholas Charles ROSE 08 Feb 2010 31 Dec 2020 Finance Director British 0 - 3613 (36.1%)
Resigned Linda Parker HUDSON 26 Oct 2009 01 Feb 2014 Company Director American 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Resigned Paul Milton ANDERSON 08 Oct 2009 31 Dec 2014 Company Director American 0 - 30 (0.0%)
Resigned Carl George SYMON 11 Jun 2008 12 Jun 2015 Director American/British 0 - 143 (21.4%)
Resigned Ravi Kant UPPAL 02 Apr 2008 01 Apr 2011 Company Director Indian 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Resigned Andrew George INGLIS 13 Jun 2007 09 Jul 2010 Director British 0 - 80 (0.0%)
Resigned Walter Perry HAVENSTEIN 02 Jan 2007 21 Jun 2009 Chief Operating Officer American 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Resigned Ian Graham, Mr. KING 01 Jan 2007 30 Jun 2017 Chief Operating Officer British 0 - 6031 (51.7%)
Resigned Anthony Nigel Russell, Sir RUDD 10 Sep 2006 31 Dec 2009 Chartered Accountant British 4 - 245 (17.9%)
Resigned Roberto QUARTA 07 Sep 2005 31 Dec 2011 None Italian 0 - 187 (38.9%)
Resigned Philip Joseph CARROLL JNR 07 Sep 2005 05 May 2010 Company Director American 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Resigned Peter Amory WEINBERG 16 Jun 2005 07 May 2008 Investment Banker American/British 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Resigned Richard Lake OLVER 17 May 2004 01 Feb 2014 Civil Engineer British 2 - 184 (20.0%)
Resigned Michael James HARTNALL 10 Jun 2003 02 May 2012 Chartered Accountant British 0 - 162 (12.5%)
Resigned Peter James, Sir MASON 22 Jan 2003 08 May 2013 Director British 0 - 253 (12.0%)
Resigned Michael Denzil Xavier, The Rt Hon PORTILLO 11 Sep 2002 04 May 2006 Broadcaster & Journalist British 0 - 51 (20.0%)
Resigned Christopher Vincent GEOGHEGAN 10 Jul 2002 31 Dec 2007 Company Director British 0 - 3111 (35.5%)
Resigned Mark Henry RONALD 03 May 2002 31 Dec 2006 Chief Operating Officer Us Citizen 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Resigned Paolo SCARONI 22 Nov 2000 05 May 2004 Director Italian 0 - 40 (0.0%)
Resigned Susan Joyce, Professor BIRLEY 22 Nov 2000 09 May 2007 University Professor British 0 - 30 (0.0%)
Resigned Steven Lewis MOGFORD 01 Apr 2000 09 May 2007 Chief Operating Officer Progra British 0 - 203 (15.0%)
Resigned Ulrich CARTELLIERI 01 Dec 1999 26 Sep 2007 Banker German 0 - 20 (0.0%)
Resigned Michael LESTER 29 Nov 1999 31 Dec 2006 Solicitor British 0 - 348 (23.5%)
Resigned Peter Oliver, Sir GERSHON 29 Nov 1999 31 Mar 2000 Director British 3 - 2810 (32.3%)
Resigned Charles Beech Gordon, Sir MASEFIELD 29 Nov 1999 28 Feb 2003 Director British 0 - 92 (22.2%)
Resigned George Wilfred ROSE 01 Apr 1998 31 Mar 2011 Finance Director British 1 - 176 (33.3%)
Resigned Clive Richard, Lord HOLLICK OF NOTTING HILL 24 May 1996 28 May 1997 Director British 1 - 4915 (30.0%)
Resigned Sydney GILLIBRAND 24 May 1995 30 Jun 1995 Director British 0 - 323 (9.4%)
Resigned Robert Patten BAUMAN 26 Apr 1994 01 May 1998 Non Executive Chairman American 0 - 121 (8.3%)
Resigned Robin Adair, Sir BIGGAM 01 Jan 1994 29 Apr 2003 Chartered Accountant British 0 - 164 (25.0%)
Resigned Michael John TURNER 01 Jan 1994 31 Aug 2008 Managing Director British 0 - 205 (25.0%)
Resigned John Pix WESTON 01 Jan 1994 25 Mar 2002 Managing Director British 1 - 3914 (35.0%)
Resigned Thomas Alexander, Lord HESKETH 01 Jan 1994 04 May 2005 Director British 3 - 123 (20.0%)
Resigned Keith Clark BROWN 13 Oct 1993 29 Apr 2003 Investment Banker British 2 - 172 (10.5%)
Resigned George, Lord SIMPSON 29 Jan 1993 31 Mar 1994 Chartered Accountant British 0 - 3512 (34.3%)
Resigned Richard Douglas LAPTHORNE 11 Jul 1992 30 Sep 1999 Accountant British 0 - 297 (24.1%)
Resigned Richard Harry EVANS 23 May 1992 30 Jun 2004 Company Director British 0 - 133 (23.1%)
Resigned John Conway CAHILL 12 Oct 1984 26 Apr 1994 Business Executive British 0 - 50 (0.0%)
Resigned Frank Bailey SAUNDRY 30 Jun 1992 Personnel Director British 0 - 10 (0.0%)
Resigned James, Baron Blyth Of Rowington BLYTH OF ROWINGTON 26 Apr 1994 Company Director British 2 - 70 (0.0%)
Resigned Brian COOKSON 30 Jun 1992 Solicitor British 0 - 103 (30.0%)
Resigned George, Lord SIMPSON 31 Mar 1994 Chartered Accountant British 0 - 3512 (34.3%)
Resigned Ronald Claus, Sir HAMPEL 31 May 2002 Company Director British 0 - 131 (7.7%)
Resigned Robert Leonard KIRK 30 Apr 1997 Director Usa 0 - 21 (50.0%)
Resigned Sydney GILLIBRAND 30 Jun 1995 Director British 0 - 323 (9.4%)
Resigned Judson Graham, Sir DAY 14 Sep 1993 Company Chairman Canadian/British 0 - 133 (23.1%)
Resigned Clive Richard, Lord HOLLICK OF NOTTING HILL 28 May 1997 Director British 1 - 4915 (30.0%)
Resigned John Conway CAHILL 26 Apr 1994 Business Executive British 0 - 50 (0.0%)
Resigned Harold Raymond MOULD 14 Aug 1992 Solicitor British 0 - 11135 (31.5%)
Resigned Keith Clark BROWN 29 Apr 2003 Investment Banker British 2 - 172 (10.5%)
Number of active directors: 13
Average tenure of active directors: 4.1 years
Average tenure of resigned directors: 5.2 years
Average active director Dissolution Rate: 5.9%


PEARSON PLC (00053723) - Active
EXPRO NORTH SEA LIMITED (01108011) - Active
BAE SYSTEMS PLC (01470151) - Active
ANGLO AMERICAN PLC (03564138) - Active
EXPRO AX-S TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (06381743) - Dissolved
EXPRO HOLDINGS UK 4 LIMITED (06417368) - Active
EXPRO HOLDINGS UK 2 LIMITED (06491951) - Active
EXPRO HOLDINGS UK 3 LIMITED (06492082) - Active
AX-S LIMITED (06921126) - Liquidation
THECITYUK (07088009) - Active
EXPRO OILFIELD SERVICES LIMITED (09098669) - Active - Proposal to Strike off
GESTRA UK LIMITED (10639879) - Active
DTL (NOMINEE) LIMITED (12677002) - Active
CARDEO LTD (12712807) - Liquidation
ALLIANZ GLOBAL INVESTORS GMBH (FC030960) - Converted / Closed
DE BEERS GROUP (FC034273) - Active


No shareholder data available


Company name Share class Shares at confimation date


no controlling companies


Controlled companies below


Start date End date Average days to pay % invoices paid over 60 days % invoices not paid within agreed terms report
2023-07-01 2023-12-31 31 1% 2% 79791
2023-01-01 2023-06-30 30 1% 0% 73596
2023-01-01 2023-06-30 30 1% 3% 73715
2022-07-01 2022-12-31 31 1% 2% 67667
2022-01-01 2022-06-30 29 2% 5% 60620
2021-07-01 2021-12-31 28 1% 3% 53819
2021-01-01 2021-06-30 27 1% 3% 47969
2020-07-01 2020-12-31 29 2% 3% 40557
2020-01-01 2020-06-30 23 5% 7% 33527
2019-07-01 2019-12-31 22 5% 9% 27414
2019-01-01 2019-06-30 21 5% 12% 19910
2018-07-01 2018-12-31 17 4% 14% 10847
2018-01-01 2018-06-30 27 9% 16% 5357


Date Title Reference Subject
2019-07-11 Bridgehouse (Bradford No.2) v BAE Systems Plc [2019] EWHC 1768 (Comm)
2019-07-11 Bridgehouse (Bradford No.2) v BAE Systems Plc [2019] EWHC 1768 (Comm)
2017-09-14 Mr M Patel v BAE Systems plc [2017] UKET 2403438/2017 Race Discrimination
2007-02-26 Campaign Against Arms Trade v BAE Systems Plc [2007] EWHC 330 (QB)
2005-02-10 Bae Systems Plc v Sime [2005] DRS 02242
2003-10-17 Amiri Flight Authority v BAE Systems Plc [2003] EWCA Civ 1447
2002-11-20 Amiri Flight Authority v BAE Systems Plc & Anor [2002] EWHC 2481 (Comm)
2002-11-20 Amiri Flight Authority v BAE Systems Plc & Anor [2002] EWHC 2481 (Comm)
1995-03-23 British Aerospace Plc v Green & Ors [1995] EWCA Civ 26


Title Date filed Status Publication number
Flash device 2017-11-13 Pending GB2557453
Electrical power supply system 2017-09-19 Pending GB2555939
Improved additive layer manufacturing 2017-09-18 Pending GB2556661
Transducer 2017-07-19 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2557387
Aircraft radar assembly 2017-06-14 Pending GB2553406
System integration 2017-04-24 Granted GB2551874
Data processing 2017-04-24 Awaiting Re-examination GB2551626
Activating a fuse 2017-02-08 Granted GB2548698
Method and apparatus for generating an image 2017-02-03 Awaiting Re-examination GB2548469
Method and apparatus for generating an image 2017-02-03 Awaiting Re-examination GB2548470
End effector for a robot 2017-02-02 Awaiting Re-examination GB2548691
Unmanned aerial systems 2017-01-18 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2558919
Workstation 2017-01-06 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2558575
A method of slowing down a moving projectile 2016-12-16 Awaiting First Examination GB2557924
Mortar bomb 2016-12-16 Awaiting First Examination GB2557925
Radio receiver circuits and methods of receiving a radio signal 2016-12-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2557639
Variable frequency oscillator circuits and methods of generating an oscillating signal of a desired frequency 2016-12-14 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2557637
Control system for controlling a projectile 2016-12-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2557638
Antenna arrangement 2016-12-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2557629
System and method for coordination among a plurality of vehicles 2016-12-12 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2557621
MIMO communication system and data link 2016-12-08 Awaiting First Examination GB2557345
Improvements in and relating to remote sensing 2016-12-05 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2547505
Improvements in and relating to remote sensing 2016-12-05 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2545340
Improvements in and relating to remote sensing 2016-12-05 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2545341
Multiple waveguide structure for colour displays 2016-11-28 Awaiting First Examination GB2556938
Filter for laser protection 2016-11-23 Awaiting Re-examination GB2548656
Filter 2016-11-23 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2548655
Filters for laser protection 2016-11-23 Awaiting Re-examination GB2548657
Filters for laser protection 2016-11-23 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2548658
Filter 2016-11-23 Awaiting Re-examination GB2548659
Filters for laser protection 2016-11-23 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2548660
Filter systems 2016-11-23 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2548661
Antenna assembly 2016-11-17 Awaiting First Examination GB2556083
Antenna assembly 2016-11-17 Awaiting First Examination GB2556084
Flash grenade and acoustic module therefor 2016-11-15 Awaiting First Examination GB2555865
Seat release system 2016-11-08 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2555789
An airframe for an air vehicle 2016-11-08 Granted GB2545325
Aircraft environmental control system 2016-11-04 Granted GB2545965
Modular charge container 2016-11-04 Awaiting First Examination GB2555616
Munition charge container 2016-11-04 Awaiting First Examination GB2555618
An air vehicle and imaging apparatus thereof 2016-10-28 Awaiting Re-examination GB2545076
Wing structure with adjustable aerofoils 2016-10-28 Awaiting Re-examination GB2545078
Noise attenuation device 2016-10-28 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2555579
Air vehicle and method and apparatus for control thereof 2016-10-28 Awaiting Re-examination GB2545077
Control of automonous vehicles 2016-10-24 Awaiting First Examination GB2555397
Cavity acoustic tones supression 2016-10-11 Awaiting First Examination GB2555086
Metal object production 2016-10-05 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2544626
Improvements in and relating to displays 2016-10-03 Awaiting Re-examination GB2545049
Improvements in and relating to displays 2016-10-03 Awaiting Re-examination GB2544622
Improvements in and relating to displays 2016-10-03 Awaiting Re-examination GB2543948
An improved method and apparatus 2016-09-30 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2554646
Locking devices for doors of aircraft 2016-09-29 Granted GB2543943
Improved surveillance apparatus 2016-09-21 Awaiting First Examination GB2554351
Cryptographic key distribution 2016-09-21 Awaiting Re-examination GB2544175
Method of fastening a panel 2016-09-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2553586
Helmet tracker buffeting compensation 2016-09-12 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2544383
Inertial sensor data correction 2016-09-09 Awaiting Re-examination GB2543916
Helmet tracker 2016-09-09 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2543917
Diffusers for head up displays 2016-09-08 Awaiting First Examination GB2553559
Vehicle power sharing system with engine-driven generator and fuel cell 2016-08-26 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2542921
A vehicle comprising an engine restart system 2016-08-26 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2542920
Additive layer manufacturing 2016-08-18 Awaiting First Examination GB2553097
Apparatus and method for communications management 2016-08-10 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2542491
Apparatus and method for communications management 2016-08-10 Pending GB2542907
Control systems and methods 2016-07-22 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2552373
Lighter than air vehicle 2016-07-21 Granted GB2542476
Housing for connecting a transducer to a substrate 2016-07-20 Awaiting First Examination GB2552467
A lock for a tamper-resistant assembly 2016-07-18 Awaiting First Examination GB2552322
Nose cone arrangement 2016-06-28 Awaiting First Examination GB2551733
Improvements in and relating to telecommunications networks 2016-06-23 Awaiting First Examination GB2551564
Avionics ground test rig system 2016-06-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2551484
Free space optical communication system receiver 2016-06-13 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2551342
Optical communication device 2016-06-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2551355
Waveguide structure 2016-06-03 Awaiting First Examination GB2550958
Model-based protection algorithms 2016-06-03 Awaiting First Examination GB2550963
Fleet management system and method 2016-06-03 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2550976
De-icing system 2016-05-26 Awaiting First Examination GB2550946
De-icing system 2016-05-26 Awaiting First Examination GB2550947
Armoured occupant recovery 2016-04-22 Awaiting First Examination GB2549535
Occupant recovery system 2016-04-22 Awaiting First Examination GB2549534
Occupant recovery 2016-04-22 Awaiting First Examination GB2549710
Electroacoustic transducer 2016-04-12 Awaiting First Examination GB2549299
Electroacoustic transducer 2016-04-12 Awaiting First Examination GB2549300
An aircraft 2016-04-11 Awaiting First Examination GB2549271
Digital display apparatus 2016-04-11 Awaiting First Examination GB2549273
Control systems and methods 2016-04-11 Awaiting First Examination GB2549270
Control systems 2016-04-11 Awaiting First Examination GB2549272
A method and apparatus for concentrating electromagnetic energy 2016-04-11 Terminated GB2539535
Digital display 2016-03-22 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2538605
Fabric antenna 2016-03-11 Granted GB2539306
Co-aligning laterally displaced radiation beams 2016-03-02 Awaiting First Examination GB2547923
Optical security detector 2016-02-23 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2547649
Optical sensing and communications system 2016-02-19 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2547486
Activating a fuse 2016-02-16 Awaiting First Examination GB2547425
A mixed reality system and method for displaying data therein 2016-02-16 Pending GB2536790
Waveguides 2016-02-10 Awaiting First Examination GB2547211
A data diode 2016-02-04 Awaiting First Examination GB2547007
Determination of vehicle capabilities 2016-01-19 Pending GB2536766
Gripping device 2016-01-06 Awaiting First Examination GB2546080
System and method for assessing a calibration of a multi-axis ultrasonic scanner 2016-01-05 Granted GB2535846
Improvements in and relating to displays 2015-12-23 Awaiting First Examination GB2545717
Object processing 2015-12-09 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2536098
Improvements in and relating to remote sensing 2015-12-09 Awaiting First Examination GB2545227
Smart material couplings 2015-12-08 Awaiting First Examination GB2545186
Drivetrain 2015-12-08 Awaiting First Examination GB2545187
Split hull 2015-12-08 In Order For Grant GB2545188
RF transmitter and method of manufacture thereof 2015-11-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2547624
Aircraft environmental control system 2015-11-06 Granted GB2544092
Means for updating control laws in an aircraft environmental control system 2015-11-06 In Order For Grant GB2544093
Aircraft environmental control system 2015-11-06 Granted GB2544091
Payload launch apparatus and method 2015-10-30 Awaiting First Examination GB2543817
Rotary-wing air vehicle and method and apparatus for launch and recovery thereof 2015-10-30 Awaiting First Examination GB2543816
Emergency control of an aircraft 2015-10-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2543503
Reach arm device 2015-10-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2543300
Multispectral imaging of a scene from a moving viewpoint 2015-10-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2543285
Temperature measurement device 2015-09-29 Awaiting First Examination GB2542791
Cartridge casing 2015-09-25 Granted GB2530909
Cartridge casing 2015-09-25 Granted GB2530908
Improvements in and relating to secure tactical networks 2015-09-11 Awaiting First Examination GB2542188
A monitoring system for a military vehicle 2015-09-07 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2541936
A land-based military vehicle 2015-09-07 Awaiting First Examination GB2541938
A monitoring system for a military vehicle 2015-09-07 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2541937
Helmet for communications 2015-09-01 Awaiting First Examination GB2541892
Time code display 2015-08-26 Awaiting Re-examination GB2541685
Image processing 2015-08-26 Awaiting First Examination GB2541684
Imaging apparatus and method 2015-08-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2541675
Mounting structure 2015-08-20 Granted GB2541440
System and method for measuring a radar cross section of an object 2015-08-20 Awaiting First Examination GB2541442
Apparatus and method for communications management 2015-08-13 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2541237
Apparatus and method for communications management 2015-08-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2541240
Apparatus and method for communications management 2015-08-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2541241
Apparatus and method for communications management 2015-08-13 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2541236
Apparatus and method for communications management 2015-08-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2541380
Apparatus and method for communications management 2015-08-13 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2541235
Apparatus and method for communications management 2015-08-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2541238
Apparatus and method for communications management 2015-08-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2541239
Substrate manufacture 2015-08-06 Awaiting First Examination GB2544424
Aircraft part assembly 2015-08-05 Awaiting First Examination GB2541182
Lighter than air vehicle 2015-07-24 Awaiting First Examination GB2540614
Evaluating near range communications quality 2015-07-22 Awaiting First Examination GB2540587
Cast explosive composition 2015-07-07 Awaiting First Examination GB2540158
PBX composition 2015-07-07 Awaiting First Examination GB2540159
A method of tailoring a frequency response of a periodically microstructured material 2015-06-16 Pending if pre publication date, "Application Published" if publication date is today or in the past GB2553073
Decision making 2015-06-04 Awaiting First Examination GB2539020
Aircraft avionics system interface 2015-06-02 Awaiting First Examination GB2539185
Security gateway 2015-05-27 Terminated GB2538952
A beamsplitter and frequency monitoring system 2015-05-22 Granted GB2526697
Inceptor apparatus 2015-05-19 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2527924
A communications system 2015-05-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2538269
Aircraft data transfer 2015-05-11 Awaiting First Examination GB2538241
Aircraft coupling method and system 2015-05-11 Awaiting First Examination GB2538242
Aircraft fuel tank 2015-05-06 Pending GB2528538
Liquid storage system 2015-05-06 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2528541
Liquid storage tank 2015-05-06 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2528535
Liquid storage system 2015-05-06 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2528536
Liquid storage system 2015-05-06 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2528537
Baffle 2015-05-06 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2528539
Liquid storage system 2015-05-06 Granted GB2528540
Baffle 2015-05-06 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2528542
Signal processing 2015-05-05 Awaiting First Examination GB2538228
Drilling apparatus 2015-04-30 Awaiting First Examination GB2537920
Inspection of drilled features in objects 2015-04-30 Awaiting First Examination GB2537919
Aircraft airframe assembly 2015-04-21 Granted GB2527893
Production of airframe components 2015-04-13 Granted GB2531092
Aircraft airframe assembly 2015-04-13 Granted GB2526916
Object production 2015-04-10 Granted GB2529276
Airframe production 2015-04-10 Granted GB2527889
Method and apparatus for holographic image projection 2015-04-10 Awaiting First Examination GB2537158
A detection counter measure method and apparatus 2015-04-10 Awaiting First Examination GB2537183
Machining fixture production 2015-04-10 Granted GB2544252
Method and apparatus for simulating electromagnetic radiation path modifying devices 2015-04-10 Awaiting First Examination GB2540115
Long range sensor apparatus and method of providing a long range sensor apparatus 2015-04-10 Awaiting First Examination GB2537156
Method and apparatus for computational ghost imaging 2015-04-10 Awaiting First Examination GB2537160
Assembly tool production 2015-04-10 Granted GB2527887
Aircraft airframe assembly 2015-04-10 Granted GB2527888
A weapon counter measure method and apparatus 2015-04-10 Awaiting First Examination GB2537184
Optical selector arrangement 2015-03-30 Awaiting First Examination GB2536891
Acoustic Transducer 2015-03-27 Awaiting First Examination GB2536723
Producing data describing target measurements 2015-03-13 Granted GB2526403
Hydraulic system 2015-03-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2536284
Sintering particulate material 2015-03-11 Granted GB2526905
Forming a three dimensional object 2015-03-11 Granted GB2526904
Heat exchanger with anti-swirl vanes 2015-03-11 Granted GB2525971
Design method and apparatus for the manufacture of an article 2015-03-10 Granted GB2526175
Cartrdige casing 2015-03-09 Awaiting First Examination GB2536411
Interactive information display 2015-03-09 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2525304
Interactive information system 2015-02-25 Terminated GB2535727
Immersive vehicle simulator apparatus and method 2015-02-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2535729
Emergency guidance system and method 2015-02-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2535723
Apparatus and method for effecting a control action in respect of system functions 2015-02-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2535725
An image processing method and apparatus for determining depth within an image 2015-02-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2535726
Information system and method 2015-02-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2535728
Interactive system control apparatus and method 2015-02-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2535730
Method and apparatus for data verification in a mixed reality system 2015-02-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2535722
Electric battery assembly 2015-02-18 Awaiting First Examination GB2535496
Processing multispectral images 2015-02-11 Terminated GB2535175
Reactive materials 2015-01-27 Awaiting First Examination GB2534573
Detecting and ranging cloud features 2015-01-20 Awaiting First Examination GB2534554
Cloud Feature Detection 2015-01-20 Awaiting First Examination GB2534372
Structural damage detection 2015-01-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2534143
Monitoring energy usage of a surface maritime vessel 2015-01-09 Awaiting First Examination GB2533961
Improvements in and relating to electromechanical actuators 2015-01-07 Awaiting First Examination GB2533943
Mobile bridge module 2015-01-05 Awaiting First Examination GB2533817
Mobile bridge apparatus 2015-01-05 Awaiting First Examination GB2533818
Monitoring a structure for damage 2014-12-23 Awaiting Re-examination GB2533612
Armour 2014-12-23 Pending GB2533613
Tile assembly 2014-12-22 Pending GB2522780
Data capture 2014-12-22 Granted GB2521773
Network faul detection and location 2014-12-18 Awaiting Re-examination GB2523629
Data communications performance monitoring 2014-12-18 Granted GB2523237
Improvements in and relating to waveguides 2014-12-17 Pending GB2521536
Rudder tabs 2014-12-17 Granted GB2521537
Improvements in and relating to waveguides 2014-12-12 Pending GB2521534
Improvements in and relating to waveguides 2014-12-12 Pending GB2521535
Additive manufacturing 2014-12-09 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2533102
Apparatus and method for optical imaging 2014-12-09 Awaiting First Examination GB2533103
Determining routes for aircraft 2014-12-04 Pending GB2522327
Imaging method and apparatus 2014-12-04 Granted GB2522969
Payload delivery 2014-12-04 Granted GB2522328
Imaging method and apparatus 2014-12-04 Granted GB2522970
Imaging method and apparatus 2014-11-28 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2522964
Corrosion sensor manufacture 2014-11-20 Granted GB2522114
Interactive control station 2014-11-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2532465
System and method for position tracking in a head mounted display 2014-11-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2532461
Apparatus and method for selectively displaying an operational environment 2014-11-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2532464
Object production 2014-11-19 Awaiting Re-examination GB2532451
Joint assembly 2014-11-19 Granted GB2527156
Mixed reality information and entertainment system and method 2014-11-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2532462
Interactive vehicle control system 2014-11-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2532463
System integration 2014-11-14 Granted GB2522110
A compensation method for a display apparatus 2014-11-06 Granted GB2523872
Conduit 2014-11-03 Granted GB2521048
Heat exchangers and the production thereof 2014-11-03 Terminated GB2521913
Communication apparatus 2014-10-31 Awaiting First Examination GB2531793
Communication system 2014-10-31 Awaiting First Examination GB2531792
Communication system 2014-10-31 Awaiting Re-examination GB2531795
Facilitating communication between software components that use middleware 2014-10-22 Terminated GB2521726
Optical inertial measurement apparatus and method 2014-10-20 Awaiting First Examination GB2531531
Strain sensing in composite materials 2014-10-20 Granted GB2531522
Air data sensor 2014-10-20 Granted GB2519668
Optical transmitter 2014-10-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2531261
Peltier effect heat transfer system 2014-10-13 Awaiting Re-examination GB2531260
Simulation system 2014-10-01 Awaiting First Examination GB2530765
Simulation system user interface 2014-10-01 Awaiting First Examination GB2530764
Surveillance apparatus 2014-09-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2530534
Surveillance apparatus 2014-09-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2530535
Graphene Manufacture 2014-09-22 In Order For Grant GB2530337
Signal processing apparatus 2014-09-12 Awaiting First Examination GB2530069
Secured mobile communications device 2014-09-08 Granted GB2518526
Conduit system 2014-09-04 Granted GB2520135
Image display 2014-08-29 Awaiting First Examination GB2529683
Image display 2014-08-29 Awaiting First Examination GB2529684
Image display 2014-08-29 Awaiting First Examination GB2529682
Improved electrodeposition 2014-08-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2532914
Object production 2014-08-14 Terminated GB2519411
Antenna structure 2014-08-13 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2529211
Improvements in and relating to visors 2014-08-11 Terminated GB2519404
Substrate manufacture 2014-08-06 Pending GB2529153
Antenna 2014-08-01 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2528881
Turbine blade monitoring 2014-08-01 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2528882
Improvements in and relating to secret communications 2014-08-01 Awaiting First Examination GB2528874
Display system 2014-08-01 Terminated GB2518959
Foreign object debris detection system and method 2014-08-01 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2528880
Imaging system 2014-07-09 Terminated GB2537081
Method and system for surveillance using synthetic aperture radar images 2014-07-09 Terminated GB2528089
Route planning 2014-06-26 Awaiting First Examination GB2527570
Non-linear transmission line device 2014-06-25 Granted GB2520374
Glide path indicator 2014-06-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2527536
Improved weld procedures and weld procedure approval test 2014-06-18 Granted GB2527746
Electro-optic windows 2014-06-12 Awaiting First Examination GB2529609
Improved structural health monitoring 2014-05-28 Granted GB2526569
Additive manufacture of composite materials 2014-05-21 Awaiting First Examination GB2526328
Circuit state sensing 2014-04-15 Awaiting First Examination GB2525206
Ad hoc network 2014-04-07 Awaiting First Examination GB2524980
Ad hoc network 2014-04-07 Awaiting First Examination GB2524981
Improvements in and relating to displays 2014-03-25 Granted GB2514658
Sonar arrays 2014-03-17 Pending GB2524264
Lightning protection system 2014-03-13 Granted GB2514450
Operating sensors 2014-03-13 Granted GB2514234
Cavity acoustic tones suppression 2014-03-13 Granted GB2514453
Cavity acoustic tones suppression 2014-03-13 Granted GB2512742
Cavity acoustic tones suppression 2014-03-13 Granted GB2514452
wide band antenna 2014-03-04 Pending GB2523768
Fibre-radio communication network and apparatus and fibre-radio communication method 2014-02-25 Terminated GB2523396
A data processing method and apparatus 2014-02-05 Terminated GB2512980
Data transfer 2014-01-29 Granted GB2511205
Fuze setting apparatus 2014-01-20 Granted GB2522246
Object production 2014-01-15 Granted GB2511914
Electromagnetic absorbing composition 2014-01-13 Granted GB2512699
Image processing 2014-01-07 Granted GB2511908
Object production and assessment 2014-01-06 Granted GB2511409
Assessing Integrity of Bonded Joints 2013-12-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2521421
Transaction record data storage and retrieval 2013-12-16 Terminated GB2509240
Lightning protection for vehicles 2013-11-27 Awaiting First Examination GB2511895
Locking apparatus 2013-11-27 Granted GB2511159
Countermeasures system 2013-10-30 Awaiting First Examination GB2519785
Controlling power distribution within a microgrid 2013-10-29 Terminated GB2519753
Operating a microgrid 2013-10-29 Terminated GB2519754
Controlling power distribution with a microgrid 2013-10-29 Terminated GB2519755
Reconfigurable vehicle doors 2013-10-18 Terminated GB2519362
Information processing 2013-09-30 Awaiting First Examination GB2518682
Test fitment 2013-09-24 Granted GB2521337
Method and apparatus for characterising fragmentation of an explosive device 2013-09-17 Awaiting First Examination GB2518237
Improved ammunition production 2013-09-13 Granted GB2529100
Anomalous propagation detection 2013-09-13 Granted GB2518193
Improved ammunition production 2013-09-13 Granted GB2518207
Discriminating pulse types 2013-09-09 Awaiting First Examination GB2519726
Illumination Munition 2013-08-20 Awaiting First Examination GB2517445
Smoke payload apparatus 2013-08-20 Awaiting First Examination GB2517447
Frangible munition 2013-08-20 Granted GB2517448
Common carrier munition 2013-08-20 Awaiting First Examination GB2517449
Assessment of structural health 2013-08-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2517174
Apparatus for aligning radiation beams 2013-07-29 Granted GB2516661
Detecting moving vehicles 2013-07-25 Granted GB2506488
Monitoring of people and objects 2013-07-19 Granted GB2506246
Material inspection device 2013-07-18 Granted GB2516287
Target location designation apparatus 2013-07-16 Awaiting First Examination GB2516254
Igniter device 2013-07-16 Granted GB2516255
Path planning 2013-07-15 Terminated GB2516232
Route planning 2013-07-15 Awaiting First Examination GB2516229
Route planning 2013-07-15 Awaiting First Examination GB2516230
Improvements in and relating to vibration control 2013-07-12 Awaiting First Examination GB2516102
Improvements in and relating to radar 2013-07-10 Granted GB2516064
Improvements in and relating to displays and light sources for displays 2013-07-05 Awaiting First Examination GB2515805
Controlling apparatus for transmitting and receiving radio frequency signals 2013-07-04 Terminated GB2516016
Receiving and transmitting radio frequency signals 2013-07-04 Awaiting First Examination GB2518808
Corrosion sensor 2013-07-02 Granted GB2505069
Inceptor and method for operating an inceptor 2013-07-01 Awaiting First Examination GB2516008
Counterbalance unit 2013-07-01 Awaiting First Examination GB2515740
Improvements in and relating to displays 2013-06-26 Granted GB2515520
System and method for diagnosing a vehicle and its subsystems 2013-06-26 Terminated GB2505061
Identifying address translations 2013-06-24 Terminated GB2505288
Co-aligning Multiple Beams 2013-06-21 Granted GB2505052
Boat cradle assembly with fenders and an arrestor 2013-06-05 Granted GB2514812
Drag reduction system 2013-06-04 Granted GB2514791
Improvements in and relating to antenna systems 2013-05-31 Granted GB2514612
Structure navigation 2013-05-29 Granted GB2514573
Aircraft data retrieval 2013-05-23 Awaiting First Examination GB2514398
Aircraft data retrieval 2013-05-23 Awaiting First Examination GB2514400
Aircraft data retrieval 2013-05-23 Awaiting First Examination GB2515272
Duplexer 2013-05-10 Awaiting First Examination GB2513909
Goal-Based planning system 2013-05-02 Awaiting First Examination GB2513624
Clamp for use with a drill 2013-04-29 Ceased GB2501826
Improvements in and relating to sensitivity time control for radars 2013-04-25 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2513367
Wind turbine mitigation in radar systems 2013-04-24 Granted GB2513356
Diagnosing combinations of failures in a system 2013-04-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2513180
Apparatus for co-aligning a number of laterally displaced radiation beams 2013-04-17 Granted GB2513142
Spectral imaging 2013-04-10 Granted GB2512886
Insensitive munition propellants 2013-03-27 Awaiting First Examination GB2512345
Security 2013-03-27 Granted GB2502677
Non-phthalate propellants 2013-03-27 Awaiting First Examination GB2512346
Generation and display of digital images 2013-03-18 Granted GB2500995
Stress relieving layers in additive layer manufacturing 2013-03-18 Granted GB2500996
Directional multiband antenna 2013-03-15 Terminated GB2511845
A metamaterial 2013-03-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2511789
Heat Exchanger 2013-03-06 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2511539
Standby Electrical Energy Storage Devices 2013-03-04 Pending GB2511496
A structural metallic rechargeable battery or capacitor 2013-02-26 Granted GB2501592
Improvements in and relating to radar 2013-02-22 Terminated GB2511076
Integrated lighting and network interface device 2013-02-18 Awaiting First Examination GB2510885
Directional radio frequency band and optical frequency band antenna 2013-01-28 Terminated GB2510164
In a multi-band antenna, a multi-layer dielectric layer is provided on the surface of a reflector 2013-01-28 Terminated GB2510162
Dipole antenna array including at least one co-planar sub-array 2013-01-25 Terminated GB2510144
Conductive bonded composites 2013-01-24 Granted GB2510133
Ferromagnetic fibre composites 2013-01-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2509754
Ferrite Fibre Composites 2013-01-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2509753
Diffraction grating 2013-01-08 Terminated GB2509536
Inceptor Apparatus 2012-12-20 Awaiting First Examination GB2509091
Means and Method to Minimize RF Interference in Scanning Radar 2012-12-18 Granted GB2509060
Directional antenna array arrangements 2012-12-14 Terminated GB2508898
Stripline feed arrangement for antenna sub-arrays 2012-12-14 Granted GB2508899
Rotating antenna array and rotary joint calibration system 2012-12-14 Granted GB2508903
Mitigation of anomolous propagation effects in radar 2012-12-14 Granted GB2508900
Optical system for transmitting analogue RF signals through a rotating optical joint 2012-12-14 Granted GB2508902
Improved display 2012-12-10 Pending GB2508661
Improvements in and relating to displays 2012-12-10 Granted GB2508662
Determining Course and/or Speed Data of a Vessel 2012-12-07 Granted GB2508648
Two field of view imaging system 2012-11-27 Ceased GB2508227
Forming projections on a surface for hybrid joint manufacturing 2012-11-21 Awaiting First Examination GB2508142
Radiation detectors and methods of manufacture 2012-11-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2508011
Additive layer manufacturing 2012-11-09 Granted GB2508335
Identification and analysis of potential aircraft landing sites 2012-10-25 Terminated GB2498032
A control system for an unmanned vehicle 2012-10-25 Awaiting First Examination GB2507295
Hybrid joint manufacturing 2012-10-22 Granted GB2507128
Installation of ships propeller shaft or other elongate member 2012-10-19 Granted GB2496036
System testing algorithm and apparatus 2012-10-16 Awaiting First Examination GB2507048
Head up display 2012-10-15 Terminated GB2506929
Field gun aim 2012-10-10 Pending GB2506872
Hyperspectral imaging of a moving scene 2012-10-08 Granted GB2506687
Detection of a target in a scene using hyperspectral imaging 2012-10-08 Awaiting First Examination GB2506688
Hyperspectral image processing using estimated global covariance and mean 2012-10-05 Awaiting First Examination GB2506649
LCD backlight display 2012-10-04 Pending GB2506625
Optical waveguide and display device 2012-10-04 Granted GB2495398
Apparatus and methods for use with optical rotating joint 2012-09-25 Granted GB2506191
Optical rotating joint having drive shaft with a hollow central bore 2012-09-25 Pending GB2506192
Apparatus and methods for use with optical rotating joint 2012-09-25 Granted GB2506190
Shaping plastics optical fibres 2012-09-20 Granted GB2495191
Discriminating Radiation Pulses 2012-09-13 Awaiting First Examination GB2505897
Iterative route planning using a pre-determined seed-set of optimal routes 2012-08-31 Awaiting First Examination GB2505464
Detection of potentially fraudulent activity by users of mobile communications networks 2012-08-30 Terminated GB2494292
A micro-display device with selectively activatable backlight regions 2012-08-24 Terminated GB2494055
Method and system for determining actions to be performed 2012-08-22 Terminated GB2494047
Joint Configuration 2012-08-21 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2505195
Curable resin adduct powder 2012-08-21 Granted GB2494260
Colour projection display having two waveguides 2012-08-17 Granted GB2493846
Gauge for checking how far a bolt, nut, screw etc protrudes from a surface 2012-08-15 Pending GB2504963
Alignment device, and method of alignment using an alignment device 2012-08-03 Awaiting First Examination GB2504671
Supercapacitor comprising fibre-based electrodes and separator 2012-08-03 Granted GB2505166
Head-up display using fluidic lens 2012-07-25 Pending GB2504311
Health impact assessment modelling to predict system health and consequential future capability changes in completion of objectives or mission 2012-07-16 Awaiting First Examination GB2504080
Assessing performance of a vehicle system 2012-07-16 Pending GB2504081
System design 2012-07-11 Awaiting First Examination GB2503904
Heat exchanger comprising a fibre reinforced polymer composite 2012-06-29 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2503494
Surveillance process and apparatus 2012-06-28 Granted GB2503481
A Balun for dividing an input electrical signal wherein the width of at least one of the input line, slotline and output line varies over the length 2012-06-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2503226
A Balun including a slotline coupled to an input line and output line and sandwiched between a first and second layer of dielectric material 2012-06-19 Awaiting First Examination GB2503225
Structural integrated wiring loom 2012-06-18 Awaiting First Examination GB2503213
Fluidic port 2012-06-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2503007
Aircraft apparatus 2012-06-11 Granted GB2502960
Security gateway with two stage data transfer requests via gateway interim data store and monitoring to identify requests not initiated by a human 2012-05-21 Granted GB2491042
Controlling a bias voltage for an optical modulator 2012-05-02 Pending GB2502261
Controlling a bias voltage for an optical modulator 2012-05-02 Terminated GB2502260
Determining a bias voltage for an optical modulator 2012-05-02 Pending GB2502258
Finding a bias voltage for an optical modulator 2012-05-02 Pending GB2502259
Abnormal behaviour detection in video or image surveillance data 2012-04-28 Awaiting First Examination GB2501542
A display 2012-04-19 Terminated GB2501292
A projection display 2012-04-12 Granted GB2505111
Improvements in or relating to optical waveguides 2012-03-27 Granted GB2500631
Actuator control system 2012-03-22 Granted GB2503397
A deployment apparatus for a partially reflective combiner. 2012-02-28 Granted GB2499793
Transaction level interoperability over a tactical data link 2012-02-14 Awaiting First Examination GB2507242
Drilling apparatus and method 2012-02-01 Granted GB2498977
Countersinking a hole by using digital models 2012-02-01 Granted GB2523024
Improvements in or relating to image display systems 2012-01-30 Pending GB2498798
Arrangement and method of mounting an active element on a solid substrate 2012-01-24 Granted GB2501431
Head up display providing two non-coincident virtual images 2012-01-20 Pending GB2498715
A transducer apparatus comprising protrusions for acoustic communications through a substrate 2012-01-09 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2498213
Surveillance system 2012-01-03 Granted GB2498185
Protective material arrangement 2011-11-17 Granted GB2496680
Protective material 2011-11-17 Granted GB2496678
Fibrous armour material 2011-11-17 Granted GB2496679
Locking clip having an acute angle to retain a cord therein 2011-11-09 Pending GB2496401
Transducer for acoustic communications 2011-10-18 Pending GB2495735
Viewing device comprising an image combiner 2011-10-13 Granted GB2497898
Layer assembly for heat exchanger 2011-09-21 Granted GB2494880
Autonomous vehicle and task modelling 2011-09-15 Awaiting First Examination GB2494716
Power distribution algorithm 2011-09-14 Terminated GB2494657
Power distribution algorithm 2011-09-14 Terminated GB2494656
Power distribution algorithm 2011-09-14 Terminated GB2494658
Portable wireless network 2011-09-13 Terminated GB2494717
Air conditioning system for an antenna installation 2011-09-05 Granted GB2494197
Armour assembly 2011-09-02 Terminated GB2501971
Apparatus and methods for manoeuvring and support of panels 2011-09-01 Ceased GB2496566
Apparatus and methods for the launch and recovery of craft from and to a host ship 2011-08-26 Terminated GB2493971
Projection display with grating arranged to avoid double images 2011-08-26 Terminated GB2494115
Determining impact damage in a composite member by acoustic wave processing 2011-08-22 Granted GB2493929
Adaptive communications network for mobile client platforms 2011-08-19 Terminated GB2493779
A pulse stretcher for nuclear pulse measurements, using photo-coupler response time 2011-08-17 Awaiting Applicant's Response GB2493742
Power divider with longitudinal components (e.g. coaxial cable) arranged parallel and contiguous to each other 2011-08-16 Pending GB2493728
Infra red wavefront sensor device with tapered fibre optic image conduits 2011-08-16 Terminated GB2493729
Forming a layered structure 2011-08-10 Pending GB2493537
Forming a structure by added layer manufacture 2011-08-10 Pending GB2493538
Assisting vehicle guidance over terrain 2011-07-05 Granted GB2495875
High energy capacitors 2011-06-24 Granted GB2492327
Method of assessing message Interoperability between Platforms 2011-06-07 Terminated GB2491606
Temporal Alignment of Sensor Data 2011-06-03 Terminated GB2491395
Sensor data alignment processing 2011-06-03 Terminated GB2491396
Aircraft wing blister 2011-05-26 Terminated GB2491167
System Validation 2011-05-17 Ceased GB2492739
Personal protection equipment 2011-05-16 Granted GB2490894
A Method and System for Calibrating Rotational Accelerometers 2011-05-10 Terminated GB2490688
Thermal signature reduction 2011-03-25 Granted GB2492506
Imaging of hidden objects using a Halbach array of electromagnets 2011-02-10 Terminated GB2487963
Predicting Crowd Distribution 2010-12-16 Terminated GB2486638
Guidance device 2010-11-11 Ceased GB2487334
RF MEMS device packaging 2010-10-06 Terminated GB2475370
Armour Assembly 2010-09-02 Granted GB2483267
Cast explosive composition 2009-08-27 Granted GB2475198
Terrain sensing apparatus for an autonomous vehicle 2009-06-22 Terminated GB2471276
Evaluation of data filtering algorithms for an object tracking system 2009-06-19 Terminated GB2471270
Field gun 2009-04-08 Granted GB2459192
Towable field gun interchangeable between a travelling mode and a firing mode 2008-12-17 Granted GB2455652
Gun Recoil 2008-12-17 Granted GB2456036
Field Gun Aim 2008-12-17 Granted GB2455651
Latent heat storage body comprising a thermally conductive structure 2008-08-13 Terminated GB2462620
A Method and apparatus for providing network security 2007-03-14 Granted GB2436161
Virus scanning for subscribers in a network environment 2006-03-14 Granted GB2432934
A method and apparatus for providing network security 2006-03-14 Granted GB2432933
An anti-phishing system for enhancing network security 2006-01-12 Granted GB2422224
A network implemented content processing system 2005-11-09 Granted GB2416891
Management of content download using a device acting as a content security gateway 2005-10-24 Granted GB2419500
Network-based security platform 2005-09-15 Granted GB2417655
Real-time network monitoring and security 2004-09-10 Granted GB2406485
Apparatus for releasing a jam in a lead screw actuator 2004-08-26 Granted GB2419389
Transmission lines 2003-11-11 Terminated GB2408151
Radio frequency or microwave signals 2003-11-05 Terminated GB2437355
Improvements in or relating to cladding 2003-09-03 Granted GB2393417
Roll holder with foldable spindle 2003-08-21 Terminated GB2405137
A rapid casting method 2003-07-28 Terminated GB2404354
Fixture interface sensor 2003-07-10 Terminated GB2403677


(Based on Sic code: 25400 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition)

Company Registered Address Company Number YE Date Revenue GBP Net Profit GBP Other SIC codes
BAE SYSTEMS PLC 6 CARLTON GARDENS, LONDON, SW1Y 5AD 01470151 2017-12-31 18,322,000,000 884,000,000 29100-Manufacture of motor vehicles
30110-Building of ships and floating structures
30300-Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery


This company is Active. Statistically, Active companies have a low probability of being liquidated within a year.
Here are our probability predictions:
Basis Liquidation within 3 months Liquidation within 6 months Liquidation within 12 months Prediction confidence
BAE SYSTEMS PLC 1.0% 3.6% 7.1% Medium
Other companies Active in the same sector Too few competitors
Age 0.4% 1.4% 2.7% Medium
Company Type 1.7% 4.0% 5.9% Medium
Accounts category 0.6% 1.5% 2.5% Medium
Accounting Month 0.6% 2.4% 5.5% Medium
Sic code count 1.0% 5.6% 10.9% Medium


Valuation ratios as at 2024-03-31

Market Cap GBP Enterprise Value GBP PE EV/Revenue EV/EBITDA
BAE SYSTEMS PLC 40,822,100,000
Aerospace and Defense
( 11 companies)
83,954,400,000 90,309,800,360 23.8
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